ISP System designs and manufactures various equipment for industrial and Scientifics from nuclear field, as well as in the nuclear medicine field.

Machine and robot for nuclear research
- Actuators, stages and hardened electrical positioners
- Target holder and Insertion system of diagnostic of the laser integration line
- Non-cryogenic Target holder and Reference holder of the Experience chamber of the Megajoul
- Multi-axis positioner for spectrometer
- Gas filling module
Discover our expertise
: Machine and robot for nuclear research

Optics and opto-mechanics
- Motorized optical mount
- Opto-mechanical for diagnostic system
- Optical bench
Discover our expertise
: Optics and opto-mechanics

Machine and industrial means
- Multi axis positioner for the package scanning
- Precision machine with neutrons shielding and/or biological protection
- Radio protected enclosure integrated in neutron measuring system
Discover our expertise
: Machine and industrial means

Robot and Nuclear medicine equipment
- Radio protection of the caregivers in cancer treatments
- Preparation and dosing robot for injectable substances in nuclear medicine
Discover our expertise
: Robot and Nuclear medicine equipment